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Marvel's Jessica Jones is returning for a Spider-Gwen team-up

A "fresh start" is coming for Jessica Jones and Spider-Gwen - if they want it, that is

Spider-Gwen #4
Image credit: Mark Brooks/Marvel

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I don't know about you, but all the rampant speculation (and straight-up teasing) by Krysten Ritter about her return to the MCU as Jessica Jones has got us jonesing for more stories with her character. We've read and re-read all that's come before, and watched the Netflix show more times that we'd like to admit, but we want something new.

And this August, we're getting a comic book return for the character - and she'll be starring in a surprising team-up, to boot.

In August, Jessica Jones will return to Marvel Comics for a team-up with Spider-Gwen, aka Gwen Stacy, aka Ghost Spider. (Yes, we're unsure if that last one is ever really going to catch on, either.)

"Artist Paolo Villanelli (BLack Widow & Hawkeye) reunites with writer Stephanie Phillips as Gwen faces off with a classic 616 villain! Faces will come off. Literally," reads Marvel's description of August's Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4. "Plus, Jessica Jones gives Gwen a chance at a fresh start!"

It's unclear what kind of "fresh start" Gwen Stacy needs or what kind of "fresh start" Jessica Jones can even offer, but we're excited to see the team-up no matter what. It's worth remembering that the hook of this series is that Gwen is now stuck in the 616 Marvel Universe, so her fresh start possibilities are pretty much endless. After all, who doesn't need help to establish a new life in a world they never made, as Howard the Duck once put it?

Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #4 goes on sale August 28. Take a look at the covers for the issue by Mark Brooks and Jeehyung Lee in the gallery below.

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