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Famous, Infamous or Forgotten: Harry Styles' MCU debut as Starfox

Harry Styles joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe - but how was it in retrospect? We deliberate in Famous, Infamous, or Forgotten

Famous, Infamous, or Forgotten: Harry Styles
Image credit: Popverse / Gemma Chan

Harry Styles is primarily known for his associations with Britain's The X-Factor and beloved boy band One Direction, but do you recall his time with the Eternals and the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

That's the inaugural topic in Popverse's new weekly series Famous, Infamous, or Forgotten - a vigorous, opinionated, and intense look at one specific corner in the pop culture realm we inhabit to determine how its been received and if it will stand the test of time. In this case its Harry Styles as the MCU's Starfox - is it famous, infamous, or forgotten?

First reported by Variety weeks before the intended surprise reveal in the Eternals' public theatrical debut, Harry Styles debut as Thanos' brother Eros (AKA Starfox) was intended to be the latest MCU post-credits scene surprise but like a band out of tune, it failed to hit the right note.

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Chris Arrant avatar
Chris Arrant: Chris Arrant is the Popverse's Editor-in-Chief. He has written about pop culture for USA Today, Life, Entertainment Weekly, Publisher's Weekly, Marvel, Newsarama, CBR, and more. He has acted as a judge for the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, the Harvey Awards, and the Stan Lee Awards. (He/him)
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