Send Popverse a tip

First of all, thanks for reading Popverse. It's through the readership and support of people like you that Popverse works - and that includes open lines of communication between the Popverse editorial team and fans.

If you have an editorial tip for Popverse, we want to hear it. To better understand what you have, we've written a brief guide to make sure you supply us with what we need to make an actionable decision when we receive your email.


The tip of the tip


So you have something enticing, exciting, or shocking that you think would make a great Popverse article. Great! The first step is distilling it down to it's core elements. Sum it up in one sentence.


The tip itself


The next step is telling us the tip itself. Explain what it is about, who it is concerning, any relevant date/times, and how you fit into the story. Remember, in most cases, 'more than enough' information is better than 'less than enough' information

We will require you to share with us your name and email address. Popverse can grant you anonymity, but it may be necessary to contact you to verify your tip.

And while anonymity is an option, not being able to directly cite a source will affect how an article is constructed and what additional legwork will need to be done for the article to be journalistically sound.


So now what?


Once you have these core bits of information, email it to Popverse editor-in-chief Chris Arrant.

For subject line, start with the word 'Tip:' then add your one sentence summary. Then in the body of the email tell us about the tip itself using the above guidelines.

Due to the number of submissions we receive, you will recieve a response in one to two weeks. Please wait at least two weeks before a follow-up email.