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Astarion, the real hero of Baldur's Gate 3, almost wasn't a sexy vampire (but he was still sexy)

Maybe not a vampire, but Astarion was always sexy

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You know Astarion and love Astarion as the sexy vampire in Baldur's Gate 3, but you might be surprised to learn that wasn't who he originally was.

During the Baldur's Gate 3 panel at London's MCM Comic Con earlier today, voice actor Beth Park revealed that the fan-favorite bloodsucker wasn't originally going to be a bloodsucker. But he was still going to be sexy.

According to Park, Astarion ws originally planned to be a Tiefling - a humanoid race with large horns on their head, thick tails, and non-human skin color and eye-color.

Regardless, Astarion would've still been sexy - no matter what race he was.

Read about the full Baldur's Gate 3 panel from MCM with our liveblog, and come back in a few weeks as we'll be sharing the full panel on-demand for free.
Have FOMO? Watch the Baldur's Gate 3 panel from MCM 2023 right now!